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About Surya:

In 1976, a chance encounter in North India between a buyer from Federated Group (now Macy's) and Surya Tiwari led to the creation of Surya Rugs, which started as a small supplier of hand-knotted rugs. Realizing that it was critical to have more direct contact with customers, Surya Tiwari established a division in the U.S. in 1986 and appointed his son, Satya, as president in 2006.

Intending to become the go-to resource for coordinating, fashion-forward home accessories, Satya has incrementally added new categories to Surya's initial rug offerings. Like his father, Satya continues to push the boundaries of the home decor industry by continually investing in people, products, technology, and infrastructure to address customer pain points and help customers succeed.

Under Satya's leadership, Surya continues to thrive and has been named to the Inc. 5000 list of America's fastest-growing privately held companies for seven consecutive years. Satya was awarded the 2017 EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award in the Southeast region, and Surya has been honored with numerous visual display, technology, and product design awards.

Surya's corporate headquarters and 1-million square-foot distribution center is in White, GA.